Import and Edit STEP File


  1. Launch FreeCAD
  2. Create a new project (File - New)
  3. Import STEP (stp) file: (File - Import)

Convert Imported Drawing

  1. Workbench: Select Part
  2. Refine shape (Part - Create copy - Refine shape)
  3. Check the result. Select the newly created “Part” and then: Part - Check geometry
  4. Run the check, no errors should be displayed. Close.

Move the Part into an Editable Body

  1. Workbench: Select Part Design
  2. Create a new body
  3. Drag the part with the mouse onto the new body, this creates the “BaseFeature”:

The BaseFeature is the imported form ready for editing. Here, all operations available in FreeCAD can now be performed. Afterwards, save, export, etc., as usual.