Table of Contents

Symmetrical (and asymmetrical) remote-controlled and affordable kilowatt KW antenna tuner

Construction documents:

Controller board:

Schematic controler: ctrl_sch.png

Controller: Position of 2 wire bridges: ctrl_bruecken.png (only with older boards)

Controller: Assembly plan with layout: ctrl_brd.png
Controller: Assembly plan with numbers: ctrl_brd1.png

Controller: parts list

L / C relay board:

Circuit diagram LC / relay board: LC part: lc_sch.png

Circuit diagram LC / relay board: Relay part: lc_relais.png

LC / relay board: Assembly plan with layout: lc_brd.png
LC / relay board: assembly plan with numbers: lc_brd1.png

LC / relay board: parts list


Firmware for the ATmega88PA

operating software

for software developers:

Source code of the firmware (C on CVAVR - HPinfotech Compiler)

Source code of the operating software (C #, Visual Studio)