Firmware Updates can be flashed into the DSP-7's microcontroller via a simple serial interface and a PC.
The board has an RS-232 serial interface which can be directly connected to a PC's serial port.
You can use a usual USB-serial converter cable which has a 9 pin connector.
Build a cable with this wiring:
Funktion | Sub-D Connector Pin | connect to this PCB pin |
Ground | 5 | GND |
Data from PC to DSP-7 | 3 | RxD |
Data from DSP-7 to PC | 2 | TxD |
The display will be off and dark. Now the bootloader is running and waiting for commands via the serial interface.
The DSP-7 uses an ARM microcontroller, the STM32F427V. This controller can be flashed with a couple of tools for Windows and Linux.
I have successfully tested the tool from:
You can download and compile it by yourself, or is the compiled version.
The serial flasher can be downloaded from the STM homepage:
look for the package: FLASHER-STM32
Using stm32flash under LINUX:
Reading the memory:
It is always a good idea to make a backup of the actual version. Start stm32flash in a terminal using this command line:
./stm32flash -r dsp7_`date +"%d%m%y"`.bin -S 0x08000000:0x100000 -b 57600 /dev/ttyUSB0
This will generate a binary file with the firmware, the pictures and all settings, so it is a complete backup. Be patient, this process takes some time.
Writing new firmware:
ATTENTION: flashing a new firmware will override your setting. Before flashing, write your settings on a piece of paper: the values in the calibration menu, the limits and system settings. After flashing the new firmware you have to enter these settings manually into the DSP-7. Also, it's a good idea to recalibrate the touch screen.
Flash it using this command line:
./stm32flash/stm32flash -w firmwarefilename.bin -S 0x08000000:0x100000 -v /dev/ttyUSB0
When you are done with reading or writing firmware then remove the jumper and switch off/on the DSP-7 controller.